Thursday, 20 October 2011

Photographing Music Artists & Gigs

Music based #Photography has been a theme of this week has I have had the pleasure to see the images of and talk to three legendary photographers in this field, John Ricard NYC photographer of Hip Hop artists, Pat Pope legendary photographer whose work has appeared in many publications worldwide: Rolling Stone, NME, Q, The Sunday Times, Maxim and Melody Maker to name a few and Nick Pickles who covers gigs, festivals and events for clients and is the winner of 2011 Rock Archive Glastonbury photo competition.

Getting the best images form your camera in various lighting conditions is essential.
To learn how best to achieve this join me on my Explore your DSLR Part 1& Part 2 and Explore your Compact Camera #Photograph Courses
Click HERE to view my schedule of dates and venues
More images at
#Marches Court


Music based #Photography has been a theme of this week has I have had the pleasure to see the images of and talk to three legendary photographers in this field, John Ricard NYC photographer of Hip Hop artists, Pat Pope legendary photographer whose work has appeared in many publications worldwide: Rolling Stone, NME, Q, The Sunday Times, Maxim and Melody Maker to name a few and Nick Pickles who covers gigs, festivals and events for clients and is the winner of 2011 Rock Archive Glastonbury photo competition.

Getting the best images form your camera in various lighting conditions is essential.
To learn how best to achieve this join me on my Explore your DSLR Part 1& Part 2 and Explore your Compact Camera #Photograph #Courses
Click HERE to view my schedule of dates and venues
More images at

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Enjoy Your Photography

Hi, Welcome to my new Blog for #DCZPhotography
This is where you can catch up with what is going on with my #Photography, #Videography, #iPhoneography and my Going Digital #Photography #Courses for West Midlands & Cotswolds Region. 
I have just completed a weekend of Photography tuition with Sunday at @NTPackwoodHouse a picturesque National Trust property.
The guys at Packwood House